I’ve been having a bit of a pity party lately, but today I pulled myself up by my bootstraps onto a stepladder and painted myself a stern reminder where I can’t help but see it from my painting table.
This was a very brave move since I had an 8oz jar of black latex paint in one hand, a brush in the other and nothing to hang on to. One wrong move and I would have had some ‘splaining to do.
If I don’t worry about things beyond my control, the world will fall apart.
I haven’t felt any creative spark for weeks. Intellectually, I know there are very good reasons for that; I’ve had troublesome family and health issues to put my energy into, but the part of me that expects excellence no matter the circumstance is simply not satisfied with non-performance, dammit!
How can I possibly expect to make art if I don’t make art?
So, I’ve been languishing and self-flagellating and just rolling around in my misery. “Poor, poor pitiful me! I can’t make art, I’ve lost my mojo, I don’t know if I can ever do this again.”
The one thing I haven’t done is THE WORK. How can I possibly expect to make art if I don’t make art? If I don’t make dinner, we don’t eat. If I don’t water my garden, we don’t get herbs and veggies. If I don’t worry about things beyond my control, the world will fall apart. OK, I don’t really believe that. Sorta.
Was I thinking the art would magically appear, like the shoe repairs in the Elves and the Shoemaker story? I suppose I was.
I didn’t make serious art today, though I did play a while. I set out a bunch of different tools and mediums, played The Subdudes as loud as I wanted, switched off working with both hands, and had myself a grand time making nothing of consequence. Because at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is that we have some fun along the way.
Baby steps. Tomorrow, I will get up those stairs in the morning, look up at my reminder to myself and then, “pitter-patter, let’s get at ‘er”. Anyone else watch “Letterkenny”? If you don’t, check it out, it’s a hoot.
Heard, chef!
I'm stuck and have been casting on, working, and frogging for weeks now. It's too flipping hot and nothing is working out in a way that brings enough joy to actually do the thousands of stitches it takes to produce a piece, but at least I'm keeping my hand in. I'm sick and tired, or uninspired, by the yarns I have (way too many, and never enough!) so I'm online shopping for some new colors and textures as I write. That usually helps ... and, if not, at least my stash will be refreshed. LOL
"Do the work" is right.
I agree with Deb, but I do understand what you describing. We all have dry spells now and again. You have a great body of wonderful artworks! It is ok to be kind to yourself. Doing artworks is supposed to bring joy...not stress. Perhaps it is time for a Sazerac...or some Absinthe!! ;)