When I decided to make 100 small abstract paintings, I had only made about ten abstract works ever. I didn’t feel comfortable or confident about my ability to make a “ good” (whatever that means) abstract painting. I expected that the repetition of 100 would make me better at it; more confident and deliberate about the lines, shapes, and compositions. I was only a little right.
While I did discover several things about what I like and what I don’t like in abstract work that I make, I still feel like a stone cold beginner. And so, I have decided to continue the daily painting ad infinitum: no longer a project, but a practice. I might not stick to abstract work, but I will paint every day. Or draw, if I’m not at the studio, whatever, as long as it’s something.
I’ll share the reasons I’m incorporating this into my life below, but first I want to tell you that I am also going to offer these small ( 5 and 6 inch squares) paintings for sale at an affordable $40 each. You can find the first week’s worth here and I will be adding to the page as I create new work. You can always find this page by clicking on Daily Paintings in the header of my home page here.
OK, onward to why I am committing to painting daily:
Daily Practice Keeps the Creative Juices Flowing:
Like enjoying my morning tea, having a standing date with my muse keeps the creative vibes flowing day in and day out. Familiarity breeds not contempt, but warm fuzzies.
Painting Every Day Increases Mastery:
Remember when Picasso said, "Every artist was first an amateur"? The path to mastery starts with persistent practice: we all have to put in those 10,000 hours, even if it’s at a pace of only 30 minutes a day. Embracing a daily artistic practice helps me refine my skills, venture into uncharted territory, and push boundaries: I don’t want to do the same thing I did yesterday, so what can I do to tweak, bump, or twist an idea into a new shape?
Practice Becomes Permanent:
Ah, habits, those sneaky little things that weave themselves into the fabric of our lives. When painting every single day becomes as natural as brushing my teeth or checking the weather in the morning then I’ll know that art making has become an inseparable part of my routine, a truly integral part of my life. And I want that; I want it to be part of me at a cellular level.
Expressing My Awesome Self:
Artistic expression is the absolute best outlet for my spirit. It's where I can express emotions, tell stories, and share perspectives that words often fail to capture. A daily creative practice becomes a sacred space where I connect with those things, dive deep into introspection, and dance like nobody's watching.
Maybe you want to grab your brushes, pens, or whatever artistic tools tickle your fancy, and dip a toe in the waters of daily artistry. You hold the power to shape your reality with just your imagination! Use it!
And, seriously, thanks for reading, commenting, and connecting with me here. You are much appreciated.
Your self is awesome.