Well, I’ve managed to stay on track and complete my first 30 paintings for this year’s 100 day project. This is the point at which I often get itchy for a change, but I’m feeling like I can stick with it for now.
I’m already learning a lot about what I prefer and what I don’t. I like clean better than grimy, transparent layers with some opaque areas, heavy dark shapes to anchor the composition, and a combination of hard edges and blending.
Here’s a slideshow of what I have done so far:
A few days ago, I printed the first 20 or so in black and white, then drew in the major lines with a pink marker to see if I could identify any compositional patterns. There were a few that repeated, and I’m sure there is a reason behind that, so going forward, I will probably make some of those an intentional element. It was a valuable exercise and taught me a some things about what pleases my eye, like overlapping circles, curving lines, vertical diagonals and anchor shapes.
The thing that really astounds me is that with just black, white and one color, and only 5 tools, I’ve already made 30 completely different paintings! Do you have a favorite? I have a couple. I can totally see more variations to come and I am excited each day to open that little book and see what happens next.
Before I go, I want to make you aware of a change that I will be making here soon. Up to now, all my posts have been available to all subscribers. Beginning next week I will be posting videos twice a month for paid subscribers only. These will be 15 to 30 minute instructional videos on various drawing and painting techniques suitable for those of you who currently have an art-making practice as well as for you who may just be art-curious and want to see how the magic is made. $5 a month can get you around an hour of how-to with me. I’d love for you to join me and be able to connect with you in these practices, so I do hope you will consider a paid subscription.
Once again, I thank you for coming along in this creative journey with me and deeply appreciate your support.
Wonderful to see this project evolve! And congratulations on creating a space for paid subscriptions for the videos - great idea and I'll pop back later over the weekend to subscribe!