I always love reading your perspectives….You have a way of expressing your strength with a mix of softness that U find so touching. Thank you for sharing these pieces of yourself with all.

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Thank you so much, Amy! Sometimes it feels like screaming into the void, so thanks for letting me know we connected. Much love to you!

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This is a powerful homage to art and all its healing powers! I am looking forward to seeing your new series!

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Thanks Patricia! I'm looking forward to actually painting the series, not just talking about it, lol. I've been a little stuck, but I think I've got it in gear now! I know you have a real connection to how art can work in our lives!

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Yes, you seem to always take the long way around. . . but, you do 'get there' eventually. . .Love you!

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Thank you for your perspective of art as service to others. I resonate with the idea that art is sometimes considered indulgent or selfish, but sharing it with the world or just a close friend or neighbor can be powerfully selfless and giving of ourselves. Always enjoy your perspective and your art. <3

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Many thanks, Beth. I appreciate your support and engagement!

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Oh, I love this!

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Thanks ! Have a listen to Real Deal Divas Podcast on Monday. Deb and I talk about it further!

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Oh, thank you for the reminder! I subscribed but must have missed the "new episode" notification. (I seem to be missing a lot these past few weeks, what with the nation burning like a dumpster fire and all.)

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oh, that little thing? Hah!

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