This is so great! Making me think a lot about the commission that has me tied up in knots. Trying too hard! Yes!

Louise’s class is terrific. It was the right class at the right time for me in 2021 - I had just done a lot of work on myself about perfectionism and was so ready for her message.

Have fun!

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ah! commissions are results driven by definition! I don't often take them on except when the other party and I have a clear understanding that I will do what I will do and they always have the option to not accept the work. They can be stressful and also wonderful. I'm very much looking forward to what I can learn these next few months.

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Ok. . . it is time to also breathe!!! Slowly in and out. . . in and out . . . relax . . . it is not a path to failure, it is a path that will lead to 'flow'. . . ''flow the creativity, flow the (unseen) vision. . . 'flow'!! <3

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Good luck! LOL! But you don't need that MB, you got this!! Seriously, you do! I Admire you so much!

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Dear Adrienne, thank you so much for your kind words.

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